Lithium Battery Cases

Home 9 Lithium Battery Cases

Fireproof Lithium Battery Cases/Bags
Fireproof Lithium ion battery eCases protect against fire, flames, smoke, heat and high temperature while charging, carrying, in transit and storage. Custom fit bags have Velcro™ secure closure.


  • Lightweight, soft and flexible padded material, providing incredible ease of use while withstanding high heat.
  • Convenient carrying handle pocket.
  • Simple closure allowing the ability to slide battery in and out of eCase.
  • Able to recharge while inside the case.


  • The outer layer was developed by NASA technologies and is a fire and heat resistant carbon fiber fabric.
  • Inside is a heat shield thermal barrier of aluminized fiberglass fabric.
  • Maximum allowable service temperature 1800*F and 3000*F for short duration.
  • Excellent protection against radiant heat.
  • Both layers combine to withstand extreme temperatures.
  • Lithium Battery Cases

Fireproof Lithium ion* battery e-Case prevents Lithium ion battery fire ( Lithium Polymer, LiPo) while charging, carrying, transit and storage. Protect against fire, flames, smoke, heat and high temperature while charging, carrying, in transit and storage. Custom fit bags have Velcro™ secure closure.

*Lithium Polymer, LiPo, LIP, Li-poly. lithium-poly.

Custom Lithium battery e-case quotes available on request.


Fireproof Battery Bag

LIFT efoil fireproof battery case